Open your store on Farmart & reach millions of buyers all over the world.

There’s no better way to showcase your products to a massive, tech-savy audience.

Our contracts are based on the idea that a happy vendor makes for the best partner. Watch your products sell on Goodmealtime and grow your business with every sale.

Menu Management

Allow you update your menus, prices and availability in real-time

Marketing and Promotions

Allow you create and manage discounts, coupons, and special offers

Monthly Traffic

Grab to chance to reach a large customer base

Platform Support

Assist you in managing your store and orders

About Vendor Program.

Grow your business with GoodMealTime! Registering as a vendor on our platform offers you increased visibility, sales and awareness among potential customers in Nigeria. It’s a simple step to connect with food enthusiasts and grow your customer base. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to boost your sales and expand your reach. Register today and watch your orders grow!

Registed users
Daily ordered
Daily page visits
Growth per year
Top global brands
Advantages you can expect when you sign up for our equipment leasing vendor program.
Read the article

Easy To Getting Started.

Register, list your menu, and start receiving orders effortlessly. Our user-friendly platform and dedicated support team make it simple for you to succeed. Join GoodMealTime today and grow your business effortlessly!

  • 01. Register
  • 02. List your Menu
    • Uplod at least 1 product to start selling right now
    • Single product upload
    • Mass product upload
    • Bundle
  • 03. Use tools and sell
  • 04. Shipping
    • Upload at least 1 product to start selling right now
    • Single product upload
    • Mass product upload
  • 05. Receive money
    • Single product upload
    • Mass product upload
    • Bundle

Success Stories.

Our vendors love the convenience and reliability that Goodmealtime offers. Here are a few stories from satisfied vendors

Frequently Asked Questions.

Here are some common questions about selling on Goodmealtime.

How do I register to become a vendor on your Goodmailtime?

Click on start selling on Goodmealtime today, You will have to make one time payment, fill in your profile form, confirm your payment, then click on register.

What can I sell on Goodmealtime?

All types of food eaten around the world

What should I do if I encounter a technical issue?

If you encounter any technical issues, please contact our support team through our email at or call +234 8176964172, Provide a detailed description of the issue, and our team will assist you as soon as possible.

Millions of shoppers are waiting to visit your own store.

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Buy Breakfast Meal Package and get a free gift! Offer lasts till June 30th 2024
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